Communication is an essential element of club life and interactions among club members are just as important as those with the rest of society. For that reason we meet at least once a month. In addition, each club has own election on its participation and contribution in the social and cultural life of its locality or region, being able to attend and to organize any type of event at national or international level.
The purpose of these activities is to build bridges between people without the existence of political, cultural, linguistic or any other type of barriers; it is necessary to interact and look at reality from many points to see what needs to be done and how to approach projects.
The club is open and participative, characterized by respect and friendship. We all row in the same direction, we are the same Civil Society vertebrate and organized, which makes the work carried out in each club being supported by the commitment of all its members.
The monthly meetings are intended to provide a moment of relaxation which drives club members away from daily occupations while generating a contribution of knowledge, mental stimulation and the possibility of seeing things from another perspective as there is interaction between people from different professions with whom to exchange ideas or opinions, favoring personal enrichment and inducing synergies.
Conversation nights, conferences by friends or guests of the club, debates on current issues, the generation of projects that enrich its development, participation and realization of cultural, social and business events, trips and visits to other clubs, participation in relevant social events are the activities that summarize the life of the club.