Synergy Clubs is aware of and consistent with the century in which it lives, and therefore considers it of great importance to collaborate with research. Looking for benefits for society in scientific, medical and/or social areas.
Our work is directed towards the empowerment of society and because of this we not only carry out research in the field of medicine, but we are also interested in fields as different as the environment, materials, ergonomics, economics or mathematical analysis.
It should be noted that according to the United Nations (UN), the planet has 6,830 million inhabitants. According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), 39% of the world’s population suffers from a chronic, autoimmune or degenerative disease, or several at the same time, which means that 2,664 million people are affected by this type of pathology.
Perhaps these data and the fact that it is inevitable that at some point in our lives we all have to go through or accompany someone close to us through a situation of this nature it is why we want to take on a special presence in research into rare diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, autoimmune diseases, cancer, chronic diseases, etc. We also want to impact early diagnosis using molecular tests and hospital data through the use of advanced artificial intelligence techniques as well as medicament repositioning.
A clear example of our intentions is the support and sponsorship that is already being given to scientific research with Uterine Stem Cells. The objectives of the Synergy Clubs International Foundation are to promote and guarantee the development of Scientific Research related to the discovery of Uterine Stem Cells along with guarantee the application of the results that can bring improvements in medical treatments, or for example fighting a specific ailment.
How will the Synergy Clubs International Foundation collaborate with research?
Generating scientific committees that aim to generate synergies that:
Allow the advice for the establishment of objectives, as well as for the estimation of their chronology.
Collaborate with the scientific design and planning of projects.
Value projects and approve collaboration on them.
Facilitate collaboration between research centers to facilitate the achievement of objectives.
Promote scientific knowledge and its therapeutic potential, both from basic science and clinical application.
Provide updated information on the evolution of ongoing projects in addition to the results.
By providing the necessary financial aid to finance such research.
Encouraging the dissemination of research.
Turning the results into something useful and within everyone’s reach.
Promoting and developing programs and activities that facilitate the implementation of research results.
Contributing to the training of specialists in these fields through collaborative projects with universities, scientific institutes or other institutions and foundations, public or private.
A clear example of Synergy’s commitment to research is the collaboration established with Dr. Francisco José Vizoso, scientific director of the Research Foundation of the “Hospital de Jove” and the Professor of the Department of Mathematics of the University of Oviedo Juan Luis Fernández-Martínez, director of the Inverse Problems, Optimization and Automatic Learning Group, both immersed in important transnational research projects.