Synergy Club Gijón aims to promote and ensure the development of Scientific Research, especially those relating to the discovery of Uterine Stem Cells, as well as ensure their application to the treatment of various chronic and degenerative diseases or any other which may benefit from the development of the discovery of these cells.
In the last century, medicine extracted from algae and plants have lost effectiveness against chronic, autoimmune and degenerative diseases. In fact, some pathologies even lack of medication.
Regenerative medicine (medicine that uses stem cells or derivatives of stem cells) has been shown to be mature enough to become an effective source of new treatments to fill the gaps in traditional recipes.
In recent years, it has been demonstrated that stem cells from adults are among the most effective, since after transplanted they do not generate tumors as with embryonic… Therefore, the use of stem cells in healing treatments would be out of the controversy and ethical dilemma of having to extract them from embryos.
Within the stem cells obtained from adults, the uterines ones are those that have great advantages over the rest:
They are obtained in a fast, simple and cheap way.
Obtaining them does not pose any ethical problems.
They have a high growth capacity, which ensures a sufficient amount of cellular material for a therapy to be effective.
They have been shown to have an anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor and regenerative effect.
Its secretoma (set of molecules secreted by the cells) has the same therapeutic potential with the advantage of not using its own living cells.
Reflecting on what has been said so far, it could be said that in the future chronic diseases such as autoimmune diseases, illnesses with tissue loss and cancer would be firm candidates to be treated with uterine stem cells or other methodologies that will be researched.
Since its creation, Synergy Club Gijón has collaborated with different scientific and technical committees formed by biomedical research professionals from hospitals, analysis laboratories and universities, both in Spain and the rest of the world.
Among these collaborations, the one established with Dr. Francisco José Vizoso Piñeiro, Bachelor and Doctor in Medicine, specialist in General Surgery and full member of the Royal Academy of Medicine of the Principality of Asturias should be highlighted. His merits count on a long and intense medical assistance work that he has developed during more than 27 years, in which he has won the appreciation of his patients for his human sense of the practice of medicine and that he has carried out in parallel to a fruitful scientific work in Gijón.
Dr. Francisco José Vizoso Piñeiro is Head of the Research Unit of the Hospital de Jove, in Gijón, and Director of the Scientific Committee of the Foundation for Uterine Stem Cell Research (FICEMU). He has been the principal investigator in more than 10 projects, but his current research focuses on transnational research and molecular biology of cancer, and on a new type of stem cells with important antitumor, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and regenerative properties that are present in the uterus. This research has led to important collaborations with other national and international centers. Dr. Vizoso has received more than fifty scientific awards, including: the National Surgery Prize in 1995 (awarded by the Spanish Association of Surgeons), the Claudia Elies Prize in 2009 (awarded by the Catalan Institute of Oncology to projects that develop new strategies against cancer), or the Severo Ochoa Prize in 2013 (awarded by “Aula de Paz” of Mieres, Asturias).