From Synergy Clubs we have clear that the philanthropic aspect cannot be executed if we do not previously have the capacity to generate or obtain resources with which to carry out our initiatives.
That is why we want to put into practice our ability to structure projects of all kinds but especially research and / or business, which can serve as future business niches for any activity.
This is the function of the Incubator Program, to generate business opportunities or to support new initiatives that allow developing the wealth of a locality, region or country.
We want researchers and entrepreneurs to be able to transform their projects into wealth-generating realities. “If we want to distribute, we have to generate first.”
Different local clubs can collaborate on their chosen projects. If the idea were accepted, the club would promote synergy by facilitating contact with experienced mentors who can help guide and develop the idea.
At this point, the club could provide administrative, fiscal, accounting and labor advice to prevent the idea from falling on deaf ears, or being expropriated by unscrupulous companies. Through the contacts of local club members, a round of seed capital investment could be made possible for those entrepreneurs who successfully complete the initial phase and the club could encourage journeys where entrepreneurs can present their project to investors. If collaboration is established between the developer and the investors, they will be able to follow the development of the project throughout the program, and the club will continue to support their protected and keep their interests at all times.
Through networking, spaces could be created where entrepreneurs and collaborators can join forces and carry out the chosen projects.
In addition, thanks to the presence of Synergy Club in different localities and countries, events and talks could be held, where the promoters could publicize initiatives and generate synergies with other professionals.
Every euro of profit made from a project accelerated by the Synergy Clubs Incubator Program will have a percentage assigned to the Synergy Clubs International Foundation to feedback projects and solidarity initiatives.