Synergy Clubs could not miss such an important area as the influence of sport on our conception of the world.
Technological advances, social networks, the constant flow of information, the collaborative economy or the empowerment of people, have increased social awareness of emergency situations that arise at small and large scale.
And in this wave of change, the way we support others is also evolving. The traditional concept of charity, understood as giving, is giving way to a responsibility for achieving results, for helping by generating knowledge and contributing value. It is a question of acting at the root instead of alleviating deficiencies and therefore we must rethink the way we develop our project, our way of working and our modus vivendi. In essence, it’s not just about what, it’s about how.
Both civil society and the world of sport are asking what role they can and should play in improving the world. The concept of traditional altruism is being revised and we are moving towards a professionalized and strategically conceived social aid model where sport and elite athletes can transfer their experience of success, their team values and the synergy they generate.
The sporting activity has a growing role in philanthropic projects, “a new philanthropy based on sport as a lever of values: effort, commitment, teamwork, the spirit of improvement and respect”. Thus, the professionalization of philanthropy would serve to increase the impact of these values transmitted by sport, besides attracting investors and philanthropists.
In addition, these actors show a growing demand and aspire to have more information about the initiatives they finance with their own capital: “Being a philanthropist today is not easy because excellence, effective management criteria and results are demanded”. There are many who take up the challenge in a scenario in which sport and philanthropy are very good companions as with that combination a better world is obtained and it has a repercussion in the benefit of all. In Spain it becomes more common to see companies, entities, foundations and people who try to help in the world of sport in an altruistic and disinterested way and how sport interacts in all kinds of solidarity events.